Guinea-Bissau Telephone Directory

Trace Guinea-Bissau Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 402 Guinea-Bissau Businesses. Guinea-Bissau has a population of 1,907,268 and there are thousands of businesses in Guinea-Bissau whose numbers are available for Guinea-Bissau Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Guinea-Bissau Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 402 businesses numbers in Guinea-Bissau.

Cell Number Business Name
245955862011 Mercado de Gabu
245966045174 Boutique KITOKO de Alimo S�
245966844860 Centro de Bafat�
245955195050 Hotel karsa
245966917574 Centro de Produ�ao e venda de Mel puro
245955878611 Farmacia Libert� Canchungo
245955760448 Farm�cia
245966656000 Teditronic Guin�-Bissau
245966289292 Doce M�e Bandim
245955307947 Plan International CO
245966628806 Sense Balde Bicycles Shop
245966762094 Ibrahima mamou
245956200479 Sobrade
245969150254 Sector Bambadinca
245966757070 Bissau Mercado VIRTUAL
245966613333 Papelaria ChezDavid
245956211781 JulioSolucoesAuto
245966634421 Beltza
245969034770 JOVIPARTS - Com�rcio e Representa��es, sarl
245955639554 Bonvende
245956777477 Ghada Super Market ???? ????? ??????
245955577007 Ledger Plaza Hotel Bissau
245969111111 Hotel Royal Bissau
245955394444 Western Union
245955780536 pellal e frere
Cell Number Business Name
245955742214 ECOBANK
245955551980 Ecobank
245955974888 Aparthotel Bagabaga Gemia
245955227203 AGS International Movers - Guinea-Bissau
245966707732 Grupo Mais
245955252819 Aluminio Bissao Guin� Bissau
245966076657 Mansa Djakaradjak�b�
+245 6622772 Nissan / Mavegro Guinea-Bissau
245955250408 Contentor Rua Timor Pra�a de Bandim
245956190444 Restaurante Bayana
245955314952 Hotel Ancar
245969189292 Hotel CEIBA
245955159603 Instituto Polit�cnico Nova Esperan�a
245955348190 Papelaria Alvalade
245956058629 Nha Guinendade
245966060976 Galomaro Coss�
245955599281 Aparthotel Triton Bafat�
245956047941 The HALO Trust
245966549722 Retunda De Bambadinca
245966921690 Ponto de Encontro
245966844860 Centro de Bafat�
+245 6956677 PROAGRI-GB
245966634249 Sede Social da Associa��o ASPAAB
5567992971409 Aeroporto Internacional Osvaldo Vieira
+245 6633031 Pens�o Creola


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Guinea-Bissau like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Guinea-Bissau Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

  • Time Taken = 0.2790